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The Consortium's Heir by Benjamin_Jnr Review: A Compelling Urban Realistic Tale of Power, Wealth, and Secrets

Creation time: Apr 6 2023Update time: Sep 5 2023921

"The Consortium's Heir" by Benjamin_Jnr is an ongoing novel in the urban/realistic genre. The story spans across 569 chapters, tracing the journey of a young, broke college student named Darius Reid. Despite attending an expensive and prestigious college, Darius stands out from his peers due to his underwhelming attire and mannerisms. However, his fortunes are about to change as he unexpectedly inherits a vast fortune that will transform his life and status forever.

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Author Introduction

Benjamin_Jnr, known for his earlier work, "The Chronicles of a Mage God", is a talented writer known for his unique storytelling skills. He has written several novels in various genres, including fantasy, romance, and urban fiction. "The Consortium's Heir" is one of his most popular works, known for its gripping plot, relatable characters, and vivid descriptions.


The Rise of The Consortium's Heir: A Journey from Rags to Riches

The central theme of "The Consortium's Heir" by Benjamin_Jnr is the journey of a young man named Darius Reid, from a struggling orphan to a wealthy and successful billionaire. The book explores the classic rags-to-riches plot, as Darius inherits a vast fortune that propels him into the world of the wealthy elite. As he navigates through the challenges and opportunities that come with his newfound wealth and status, the novel delves into themes of ambition, greed, magic, and the complexities that come with wealth and power.


Meet the Characters of The Consortium's Heir


Darius Reid

At the center of "The Consortium's Heir" is Darius Reid, a student struggling to make ends meet at a prestigious college despite his modest means. Darius stands out from his affluent peers due to his distinct upbringing and lack of wealth, but fate intervenes in the form of a sizable inheritance that alters his life's trajectory. With his newfound riches come a host of challenges that Darius must grapple with, including reconciling with his family's past and facing the secrets that come with it.



Edward is another key character in the story, serving as both Darius's ally and rival. Edward comes from a wealthy and powerful family and initially sees Darius as an outsider. However, as the story progresses, their relationship evolves and becomes more complex. As Darius rises in wealth and status, he becomes a threat to Edward's own ambitions and the two become embroiled in a power struggle.


Other notable characters include members of the Consortium, the secretive organization that Darius's family has been a part of for generations. Each member of the Consortium has their own agenda and motivations, and as Darius becomes more involved with the organization, he must navigate the web of alliances and rivalries between its members.


Throughout the book, readers are introduced to a wide range of characters, from Darius's loyal friends to his conniving enemies. Each character brings their own unique perspective to the story, adding depth and complexity to the overarching narrative of wealth, power, and legacy.

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Point of View

The point of view in "The Consortium's Heir" is primarily third-person limited, with a focus on Darius Reid's perspective. The reader is able to see the world through his eyes, understanding his thoughts, emotions, and experiences. However, the story also shifts to other characters' perspectives at times, offering insights into their motivations and actions. This allows for a more complete and nuanced understanding of the story and its various plotlines. Overall, the point of view is well-crafted and engaging, drawing the reader in and keeping them invested in the characters' journeys.



The Twists and Turns of Darius Reid's Journey as The Consortium's Heir

The plot of "The Consortium's Heir" explores the challenges and opportunities that come with newfound wealth, including the ruthless competition for power and influence among society's elite. As Darius navigates through the complex web of his family's legacy and the Consortium's agenda, he must confront his past and the secrets that come with it. However, Darius soon discovers that he has also harnessed a special power called the life force, giving him incredible abilities. But this energy is highly unpredictable and dangerous, and Darius must learn to control it and keep it hidden from those who would seek to exploit it. Along with unexpected betrayals and dangerous adversaries, the story is full of twists and turns as Darius adapts to his new life.


Writing Style

The writing style of the novel is engaging and descriptive, with vivid descriptions that bring the story to life. Benjamin_Jnr has a talent for creating believable characters and immersive worlds, making the novel a pleasure to read.



Overall, "The Consortium's Heir" is a thrilling urban realistic novel that delivers on its promises. The plot is well-crafted, the characters are relatable, and the writing style is engaging. I highly recommend this novel to anyone who enjoys reading fast-paced stories with well-developed characters and plenty of suspense.




Q: What genre is The Consortium's Heir?

A: The novel is an urban realistic story.


Q: Is the novel complete?

A: Yes, the novel has 569 chapters and is complete.


Q: Who is the protagonist of the novel?

A: The protagonist is Marcus, the heir to the Consortium.


Q: What is the main theme of the novel?

A: The main theme is about breaking free from the past and building a new future.

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